Police Arrest Three Youths In Kediri For Selling Firecracker Powder

JAKARTA - Police officers from the Wates Sector, Kediri Regency, East Java, arrested three people involved in the sale of firecracker powder and confiscated dozens of kilograms of materials ready to be sold.

The head of the Wates Police, Kediri Regency, Commissioner Adjutant of Police Suharyanta, said that the case was revealed from reports from residents who reported buying and selling transactions for gunpowder to be used for firecrackers.

"There were reports from residents and we immediately investigated. We arrested three perpetrators who were involved in the case of making the goods. Of the three suspected perpetrators, they have their respective roles, some make and sell," he said in Kediri, Sunday, April 10.

The three people who were arrested were DY (19), MN (22), both residents of Blabak Village, Kandat District, Kediri Regency, and MS (20) residents of Bangle Village, Ngadiluwih District, Kediri Regency.

He explained that initially, the officers arrested one suspected perpetrator, namely MS, on the side of the public road in Silir Village, Wates District, on Saturday, April 9, evening, at around 23.00 western Indonesia time. From MS' hands, the police confiscated 8 kilograms of firecracker powder and a black backpack.

"This perpetrator wants to make a transaction. We have secured 8 kilograms of firecracker powder," he said.

Officers then carry out development. The officer examined the person concerned and later found a number of other names, namely DY (19), MN (22), both residents of Blabak Village, Kandat District, Kediri Regency.

The police also immediately moved quickly until finally, they helped secure evidence of 9 kilograms of firecracker powder, 5 plastic packs containing 1/2 kilogram of sulfur, 1 kilogram of aluminum powder, and 3 kilograms of Kcl (potassium chloride). There was also cement, scales, a clear white plastic bundle, an empty cardboard box, and several other pieces of evidence.

Currently, all of the evidence has been secured at the Wates Police Headquarters, Kediri Regency, for further investigation. Even now, members are still investigating the case.

Meanwhile, DY, one of the suspects said the item was purchased from an online shop. All the ingredients are mixed and put into the drum to be stirred.

"Buy them in online stores. The ingredients are mixed and sold for IDR 200 thousand per kilogram," said DY.

The three are currently being held at the Wates Police Headquarters, Kediri Regency. They are threatened with being snared under the Emergency Law No. 12 of 1951 with a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison.