Surabaya Satpol PP Arrests Seven Prostitutes Operating In The Month Of Ramadan

PROBOLINGGO - The Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) of Probolinggo City, East Java arrested 17 violators in the Public Disease Operation (Pekat) which was held the first week of the month of Ramadan on Saturday 9 April night.

"Satpol PP personnel moved to several targets including the Mangunharjo rail, the Penangan rail, the Wiroborang Dam, the Bayuangga Stadium, the Sumber Taman cow statue and a boarding house in the Pilang Permai area," said Head of Probolinggo City Satpol PP, Aman Suryaman in the local city, Sunday 10 April.

From a number of locations, he continued, the Satpol PP arrested two teenagers who were dating around the Mangunharjo rail and still in the same location was also used as a place to drink alcohol by six youths ranging in age from 18 to 24 years.

"We want the atmosphere of Ramadan for people to worship quietly and the operation also wants to find out whether in the month of Ramadan there are many who commit violations," he said, quoted by Antara.

He said that there were many prostitutes who were hanging around the Mangunharjo rail. Two prostitutes/Commercial Sex Workers (CSWs) with the initials R (40 years) and S (60 years old), while on the Penang rail line, 7 prostitutes were successfully escorted away by officers to the Satpol PP office.

"The seven prostitutes are K (38 years), D (49 years), T (46 years), M (38 years), Y (29 years), S (47 years), and N (64 years). On Saturday night, April 9, they managed to find 17 violators with details of 2 dating teenagers, 9 prostitutes, and 6 young people drinking alcohol," he said.

After being secured at the Satpol PP Office, he continued, violators of Regional Regulation Number 6 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Public Order, Peace, and Community Protection were recorded and then required to write a statement letter of violation of public order and peace.

"Young people who drink alcohol will be penalized with push-ups, light exercise, singing the song Bagimu Negeri and reading Pancasila," he said.

He explained that the officers carried out coaching and called their respective parents to pick them up, which of course was proven by showing their identity, while prostitutes who were caught in operation were given coaching and a written warning.

Aman appealed to the public no longer to carry out activities that disturb public order and peace because the Satpol PP will carry out Concentrated Operations regularly, so that the public can provide information if there are activities that disrupt public order.

"With the information conveyed by the public regarding activities that disrupt order and peace, we will work together to protect the City of Probolinggo," he said.