New Facts About The Murder Of A Baby In Kramat Jati: Cleaning Officers Don't Know The Plastic He's Carrying Contains Baby's Body

JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kramat Jati Police, AKP Biher Harianja, revealed new facts in the case of infanticide by a young woman with the initials RD (20) in Kramat Jati, East Jakarta.

After conducting an examination of RD, it was found that the one who carried the baby girl's body was a man named Suparjono, a local janitor.

To the police, Suparjono revealed that he was the one who brought the plastic bag. However, Suparjono did not know that the plastic bag contained the baby's body which he took from a trash can in one of the houses in the Batu Ampar area, Kramat Jati, East Jakarta.

Baby's body found by garbage officers in Kramat Jati, East Jakarta/ Photo: IST

"Then the Criminal Investigation Unit members together with the Criminal Investigation Unit 1 immediately conducted an investigation into the location referred to by the witness," AKP Biher Harianja told reporters, Friday, February 8.

The results of the investigation, continued Biher Harianja, who threw the black plastic trash bag into the AAK trash can (another witness). However, at that time, AAK did not know that the plastic bag contained a baby's corpse wrapped in a maroon jacket.

"We checked in the warehouse room, it smelled fishy or rancid. On the right side of the floor there were bloodstains," he said.

After AAK was interrogated, the police became suspicious of RD. Until finally RD admitted that the body of the baby girl found in a black plastic bag wrapped in a maroon jacket was his son.

"RD killed shortly after birth, by smothering the baby's mouth. Because the baby was crying," said Biher.

RD admits that he did this so that no one else would know. Because RD feels ashamed because he has children out of wedlock.

"We confiscated a black plastic trash bag, a white plastic bag, a maroon jacket that read #Pemuda Rabithah and another black jacket," he explained.

Suspect RD was charged with Article 338 of the Criminal Code Yo Article 341 of the Criminal Code Yo Article 181 of the Criminal Code Yo Article 80 paragraph (3), (4), RI Law No. 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Indonesian Law No. 23 of 2002 on Child Protection.

Previously, it was reported that a baby girl was found dead in a garbage dump (TPS) in Kramat Jati District, East Jakarta, Thursday, April 7, evening.

The baby's body was found by residents at around 20.00 WIB. According to Suparjono, an eye witness to the incident, the discovery of the baby's body was discovered when he was about to transport a residential garbage cart on Thursday, April 7, at around 17.00 WIB.

Because of the rain, Suparjono then rested while waiting for iftar. Then at 19.00 WIB, the garbage cart was dismantled by another witness named Teguh.

Teguh also lowers and sorts out the existing garbage. But what a surprise when Teguh opened the plastic package, it turned out that there was a baby's body wrapped in a maroon jacket which was put in a white plastic bag.

"The white plastic bag containing the baby is dead," said Teguh to the Kramat Jati Police, Friday, April 8.