Palangka Raya Towards Zero COVID-19 Patients

PALANGKA RAYA - Mayor of Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan Province, Fairid Naparin said, the number of patients who were declared cured of exposure to COVID-19 in the local city reached 96.28 percent of the total positive cases.

"Out of a total of 17.641 COVID-19 patients, 16,984 have been declared cured. This means that the recovery rate of our citizens from exposure to the coronavirus has reached 96.28 percent," Fairid said in Palangka Raya, Friday, April 8.

Although the recovery rate of corona patients is high, the local community is still asked to always be vigilant about the spread of COVID-19. Residents are also asked to obey existing rules by implementing strict health protocols.

Meanwhile, based on data released by the Palangka Raya City COVID-19 Handling Task Force, as of Thursday (8/4) of all positive cases, there were still 124 residents, or 0.70 percent of the population undergoing treatment.

Of that number, 85 people underwent self-isolation and the remaining 39 underwent treatment in the hospital because of severe symptoms or comorbidities. The local task force also recorded that 533 corona patients had died.

The Palangka Raya City Government, through the task force team, continues to make various efforts ranging from socialization, early detection, and security to case handling.

What's more, he continued, some cases were new transmissions and others were close contact or exposure from close family members.

"Not to mention that now we have entered the month of Ramadan and continued with Eid al-Fitr. Let's make sure that this month we look forward to every year is carried out safely, comfortably and with maintained health conditions," he said, quoted by Antara.

The government and various related parties are also intensifying vaccinations as an effort to increase the body's resistance to exposure to the virus.

His party will also enforce regulations for implementing health protocols strictly. Any party found to have committed a violation will be subject to sanctions in accordance with applicable regulations.