Observers: We Must Have Special Regulations To Arrange One Way On Highways

JAKARTA - Transportation observer Djoko Setijowarno reminded that there must be arrangements in the application of counter-flow or one-way routes so as not to hinder bus travel from the area to Jakarta which will carry passengers back and forth.

For this reason, Djoko in his statement in Jakarta, Thursday, April 7, suggested the need for special attention or priority from officers for a number of buses, which had arrived at the destination terminal, to return passengers to go home in Jakarta.

"Special attention or priority must be given to a number of buses that have arrived at their destination to return passengers to their homecoming. Experience in 2019, many bus drivers complained about the policy of implementing contraflow on the Trans Java Toll Road. A number of bus fleets will pick up travelers the journey will be hampered," said Djoko as quoted by Antara.

According to Djoko, travelers on land routes have carried out their responsibilities when going home by choosing to depart via the bus terminal. Because departure from the terminal will facilitate supervision and regulation by officers.

"Moreover, at this year's Eid homecoming there is a requirement for a third vaccine (booster). Supervision will be easier to do in closed spaces such as terminals than in open spaces," said Djoko.

However, the existence of 'contra flow' or 'one way' that hinders bus travel, is considered to reduce the comfort of travelers who choose to depart from the terminal.

It is feared that during the return flow, travelers will choose to depart by using other public transportation provided by the travel service bureau.

"It must also be observed that the existence of black plate public transportation and service bureaus that have offered to go home using tourism buses through social media. The government needs to anticipate early on. The vehicles used must not pass the ramp check, passengers are not checked for health, drivers do not take medical tests," said Djoko.

For this reason, he asked the government to anticipate the homecoming flow as early as possible, including providing free homecoming for this year's Eid al-Fitr, in order to facilitate supervision and travel arrangements for domestic people, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Considering the Balitbang Transportation survey, there is a potential for the movement of homecomers from Jabodetabek in 2022 as many as 13 million people.