DPR Supports Foreign Minister To Immediately Send Humanitarian Aid To Ukraine

JAKARTA - Member of Commission I DPR RI, the NasDem faction, Muhammad Farhan, supports the move by Minister of Foreign Affairs (Menlu) Retno Marsudi who is considering sending humanitarian aid in the form of food from Indonesia to Ukraine.

"Humanitarian aid was sent to help civilians who were victims of war," said Farhan in his statement, Thursday, April 7. Instead, Farhan continued, his party encouraged humanitarian aid to be immediately sent to Ukraine. Moreover, he said, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) stated that Indonesia was not involved in the conflict. "We strongly encourage this because it is in line with Jokowi's statement 'we are anti-war'," he said. must take into account safeguards when distributing aid to the Ukrainian people. The delivery of aid, said Farhan, must also arrive at the right location. "The plan for sending aid does require logistical coordination and security when distributing it to victims. The most important thing is determining the location of the aid recipient," concluded Farhan.

Previously, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said that food in Ukraine was running low due to the war. Ukraine, he said, had several occasions met with other countries asking for food assistance, including Indonesia.

He said Indonesia was considering sending humanitarian aid to the Ukrainian people.

"For the sake of humanity, Indonesia is considering providing humanitarian assistance to the Ukrainian people," he said during a working meeting at the DPR, Wednesday, April 6.