Anies' Subordinates Will Revoke Permits For Businesses That Practice Gambling And Eroticism

JAKARTA - Strict action will be applied to places of business caught practicing gambling and eroticism during the month of Ramadan 2022 in DKI Jakarta Province.

Head of the DKI Tourism and Creative Economy (Parekraf) Department, Andhika Permata, said that tourism businesses in DKI that are indicated to violate the rules will be given administrative sanctions up to the revocation of the business registration mark and for businesses that violate the provisions.

"It is hoped that tourism business actors in Jakarta can follow the rules that have been set so that the atmosphere of the month of Ramadan until Eid al-Fitr in Jakarta remains comfortable and conducive," Andhika said in a written statement, Sunday, April 3.

The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government through the DKI Jakarta Tourism and Creative Economy Office (Parekraf) issued Circular Letter (SE) Number e-0001/SE/2022 regarding the Time of Organizing Tourism Businesses in the Holy Month of Ramadan and Eid Al-Fitr in 1443 Hijriah/2022 AD .

The Circular regulates the types of businesses that can operate and their operating hours as well as provisions for the operation of tourism businesses during the month of Ramadan.

For the 'family karaoke' type of business during the month of Ramadan, it operates from 14.00 to 21.00 WIB.

The type of business bar or drinking house that stands alone and which is a karaoke business facility, pub/live music (live music) is not allowed to sell drinks during Ramadan, unless it is integrated with a hotel area of at least four stars.

Tourism businesses are not allowed to put up billboards/posters/publications/and film shows and other shows that are pornographic, pornographic and erotic, and do not cause disturbance to the environment.

Tourism businesses are not allowed to provide gifts in any form and type, provide opportunities for betting/gambling, drug trafficking and use, and must respect/maintain a conducive atmosphere during Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr and require employees and encourage visitors to dress modestly. .

In addition, there are certain times when tourism businesses must close, namely at:

- One day before the month of Ramadan; - One day before Eid al-Fitr / Takbiran Night; - The first and second day of Eid al-Fitr; - One day after Eid al-Fitr; and- The Night of Nuzulul Qur'an (17 Ramadan).