West Aceh Regent Bans Meulaboh Hospital From Using Imported Beds For Patients

JAKARTA - West Aceh Regent Ramli MS forbade the management of the Cut Nyak Dhien Meulaboh Hospital from using imported beds for patients as a form of support for the 2022 Proud Indonesian-made National Movement (Gernas BBI) 2022.

"Don't use imported ones, just use domestic products," said Regent Ramli in Meulaboh, Friday, April 1.

The use of imported products in hospitals actually puts a burden on regional finances. Moreover, there are still many quality domestic products to meet the needs of patients.

The ban is also an effort to follow up on President Joko Widodo's directive to prohibit imported products from procuring goods and services in government agencies, including local governments.

He asked the management of the hospital owned by the regional government and the referral hospital in the south west coast of Aceh to continue to improve and improve the quality of health services, both in terms of buildings and equipment, so that they are better and more professional.

According to him, service is the main factor in advancing regional hospitals in addition to facilities and infrastructure. Regent Ramli also hoped that health workers would always be alert and friendly to patients by greeting, greeting and smiling.

Ramli hopes that this inaugurated health facility can be used properly in providing excellent service to the community.

"There should be no more complaints from patients because of the lack of facilities and poor services," he said.

Director of RSUD Cut Nyak Dhien Meulaboh dr. Ilum Anam, Sp.PD-KGEH said that four health facilities were inaugurated, namely a new inpatient building with a capacity of 60 beds, an Emergency Installation (IGD) building, a Blood Transfusion Unit (UTD) building, and clean water sanitation.

"Especially for the new inpatient building, the available capacity is 60 beds, half of which will be for class III patients, while the other 30 are for class I patients," said dr. Ilum Anam quoted from Antara.

He hopes that the operation of this health facility will be a solution to problems that often occur in regional hospitals, such as overcoming the accumulation of patients due to the lack of inpatient rooms.

"Hopefully with the support from all parties and the more complete the facilities, Cut Nyak Dhien Meulaboh Hospital can soon become a type A hospital and become the pride of the people of West Aceh with the best services," he said.