Opinion Considered Inconsequential About FPI Troops Not Carrying Weapons, Novel Bamukmin Angry At Henry Yosodiningrat: Do You Have Morals?

JAKARTA - A heated debate erupted between the Deputy Secretary General of the Alumni Brotherhood (PA) 212 Novel Bamukmin and the attorney for Brigadier Fikri Ramadhan and Ipda M. Yusmin Ohorella, Henry Yosodiningrat while appearing on the Youtube channel @Karni Ilyas Club, Thursday, March 31.

Both of them appeared related to the controversy over the acquittal of Brigadier Fikri Ramadhan and Ipda M. Yusmin Ohorella in the unlawful killing of FPI soldiers, KM 50 of the Jakarta-Cikampek toll road.

In the debate, Novel even spoke to Henry Yosodiningrat about religion and morals. "Do you have morals or not? Are you religious?," Novel said in a high voice and pointed his hand at Henry.

"Ehhh you!," replied Henry Yosodiningrat in a high tone.

"What?!" replied Novel aloud.

The heated debate between the two began when Karni Ilyas asked Henry Yosodiningrat about the acquittal of the two defendants. Karni Ilyas quoted the judge's view which stated that the reason for forgiveness was the basis of the acquittal as stated in Article 49 of the Criminal Code.

Karni said this decision caused controversy among the public. Hendry was then given the opportunity to explain in detail why the acquittal was handed down.

Hendry said the decision made by the judges of the South Jakarta District Court was based on the facts of the trial. In a nutshell, the FPI troops blocked a police officer's vehicle, slashed a car, shot a short-barreled weapon and broke a car window.

"This means that the FPI laskar attacked. And that was proven in court. Then the prosecutor also explained that a police member named Fikri was strangled, this is the prosecutor himself. Beaten, confiscated his weapons. But in accordance with the law, forced defense against attacks that are close and threaten safety in this case, if this weapon is not defended and if it is not shot, this person will die, it cannot be punished, "said Henry.

With a series of facts presented based on the statements of witnesses, expert witnesses, post-mortem results, evidence and so on, Henry actually questioned parties that had so far been inconsistent with or contrary to the judge's decision.

"So if you have never read the indictment, have never been present at the trial, have never read the minutes of the trial in the form of points of expert witness testimony and have not read my defense, it means that you will speak inconsequentially, and will spread lies," he stressed.

From the series of facts presented by Henry, Novel denies it. As someone who has worked in the media center after the shooting of the FPI soldiers took place, Novel claims to have comparative data compiled from social media. Unfortunately, Novel does not explain in detail which data is meant.

He only denied that the FPI troops had firearms. Novel's argument is, "I am a former chairman of the media center and I collect data based on social media based on other media. We see that there are so many irregularities for the sake of oddities and it is funny to say that many are not in accordance with the facts. So it is our right to convey. This means that those who do not agree (the acquittal of two members of the Police) are supported by the right logic, in fact they are right because there are more. There is no way that there is a misguidance, that is, more than that is true, "

"We obey the constitution because in the FPI laskar itself and I have been in the laskar, it is not allowed to carry weapons," said Novel.

It was at the point where the FPI soldiers carried weapons that the heated debate took place. Henry firmly denied Novel and stated that FPI troops carrying weapons were a legal fact.

Hearing his opinion was immediately refuted, Novel got angry. He told Henry to listen to it first.

"I'm talking for a moment. You said I didn't cut it," said Novel.

"Yes, it's okay to just cut it into pieces. Instead of being silly," said Henry.

"You didn't match the facts from the start, from the start!" said Henry.

"Why, Bang Karni said that more people did not agree with the decision. He is a media person, I am a media person so I know better, we collect data," replied Novel.

"This is ridiculous, you won't find it," Henry snapped.

"Yes, I won't find it," said Novel.

"You don't have to say nothing," Henry replied again.

"Yeah, why are you here too. If you know you're not going to meet, why come?"

"Ahhhh you," Henry replied with a finger pointing at Novel.

"We are both invited, which means there are facts. Do you have morals or not? Are you religious?" behind Novel asked Henry.

"Ehh you ask religion!" Henry's voice rose as he said this.

"What? We are based on the One Godhead, humanity, justice..." Novel replied.

Karni then tried to mediate the heated debate between the two presenters.

"You don't have to mirror me about that. You don't have to make fun of me," said Henry, his voice still high.

"You are careful what you say this accuses, what style? What?" Novel replied with his face towards Henry.

The novel then continues its explanation! The novel mentions that the cases that arise come from groups of religious blasphemers.