At The Military Session, Forensic Doctors Confirm That TNI Persons Who Hit Two Lovebirds In Nagreg Dispose Of Victims' Bodies Alive

JAKARTA - Forensic doctor dr. Muhammad Zaenuri Syamsu Hidayat confirmed that the defendant in the murder of Colonel Infantry Priyanto dumped Handi Saputra into the Serayu River in Banyumas, Central Java, alive after the victim was transported from the accident site in Nagreg, West Java. The trial, explained that water was only found in the victim's lungs, but not in the stomach. II, Jakarta, Thursday, March 31. The forensic doctor who autopsied Handi's body said that if the victim was conscious, water was found in the stomach and lungs. However, if the victim is unconscious, water will only be found in the lungs. In another condition, Zaenuri added that if the victim is dead, then water is not found in the two organs. Thus, Handi Saputra's autopsy results show that the victim was dumped into the Serayu River in He was unconscious and eventually drowned after water filled his lungs. Other autopsy results found by Zaenuri, he found sand on the walls of Handi's throat, lungs and chest cavity. The Serayu River whose flow crosses five districts in Central Java , namely Wonosobo, Banjarnegara, Banyumas, and Cilacap, are sand and stone mining areas. The bruises, according to him, were caused by hitting a blunt object with a broad and hard surface. Forensic doctors from RSUD Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo in Purwokerto also said that he could not confirm the time of death of the victim because many factors determine the decay, especially if the victim was found in the water so that the time of decomposition was slower than on land. "I dare not confirm," said Zaenuri.

During the trial, he also explained that the autopsy took place 2 days after Handi's body was found in the Serayu River. Zaenuri explained that the RSUD did an autopsy on the victim because for 2 x 24 hours there was no family claiming Handi's body after it was found. Not only that, an autopsy was carried out by the hospital because investigators suspected that there was a criminal element in the victim's death. The pair Handi Saputra and Salsabila were hit in Nagreg, West Java on December 8, 2021. However, the perpetrators of the collision, namely Colonel Priyanto, Kopda Andreas Dwi Atmoko, and Koptu Ahmad Soleh, instead of taking the two victims to the hospital, instead tried to hide them and finally threw their bodies into the Serayu River. Residents later found Salsabila's body in the Serayu River in Cilacap on December 11, 2021. On the same day Handi's body was found in the Serayu River in Banyumas. After being identified, Salsabila's body was not autopsied because it was not allowed by the family. Thus, only Handi's body was autopsied at Prof. Hospital. Dr. Margono Soekarjo on December 13, 2021.