Spending On Automotive PPnBM Incentive Taxes And New Property VAT Of IDR 16.5 Billion, Is The Market Too Full?

JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Finance stated that the value of tax expenditures from the relaxation policy of the Sales Tax on Luxury Goods (PPnBM) for the automotive sector and Value Added Tax (VAT) for the property sector was a total of IDR 16.5 billion.

The Director-General (Dirjen) of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance, Suryo, said that this amount is a temporary book that was compiled until the end of March 2022 and has been verified by his party.

"We continue to validate the data collected and incoming reports. Until now, the validated PPnBM DTP (government borne) for motorized vehicles is around IDR 15.8 billion. As for the VAT on houses borne by the government, it is currently around IDR 700 million," he said at a virtual press conference on our State Budget on Monday, March 28.

According to Suryo, this value does not reflect a comprehensive recapitulation considering that there are still a number of reports that have not yet been submitted.

"Indeed, we still have a lot to validate to determine the amount that can really be borne by the government," he said.

For information, the provision of fiscal facilities for the automotive and property industrial sectors is a strategic step for the government to accelerate the economy. The reason is, these two sectors are considered to have a multiplier effect because they are related to many derivative industries.

According to VOI records, the amount of tax spending for automotive PPnBM incentives throughout 2021 reached IDR 6.58 trillion, another IDR 3.46 trillion from the initial allocation due to the extension of the validity period until the end of the year.