Quick! Valve Needs Your Feedback Regarding Its Steam Deck Game

JAKARTA - Not long after Valve confirmed that there are now more than 1000 verified Steam Deck games on its platform, Valve asked for your feedback on Valve's Steam Deck game process.

Verified Steam Deck games mean games that Valve has tested to ensure that they run without any issues or bugs on its new handheld system.

"We added a new feature to the Steam Deck today to support gathering feedback from players by asking direct questions about your experience," Valve wrote in a blog post on the official Steam website, Friday, March 25.

Valve added that the initial data they collected this way was about Steam Deck Verified titles. "We can collect objective data such as crashes, etc. to help us understand how well the technical side of our review process is working."

Valve wants players to have a good experience and the way you want playing its Steam Deck games.

After playing a game on Deck, you may be faced with the question "Can we get some feedback from you once in a while?"

Your decision to participate will be saved to the new Steam Deck "Ask Me For Feedback" option in your account preferences and can be changed at any time.

Choosing this system by answering 'Yes' means your Deck may start asking some direct questions about your gaming experience.