Mosque Infaq Box In Medan Stolen By A Man In A Robe Who Brought A Child

MEDAN - CCTV footage of a man in a robe with a boy stealing an infaq (zakat) box in Medan, North Sumatra, has gone viral on social media.

The theft of infaq boxes is said to have occurred at the Al Ikhlas Mosque, Muara Sipongi Street, Gaharu Village, East Medan District, Medan City.

In the video, a man can be seen entering with a boy on a motorbike. The man pointed infaq to the boy.

At that time, the money in the infaq contact was stolen. Money is put in the robe.

Marbot of the mosque, Suwandi when met by reporters, confirmed the incident. The new incident became known Friday, March 25.

"On March 22, at 15.00 WIB, on the CCTV footage, there were 2 men, one of which was a minor wearing a robe. First, it was known on Friday, when I calculated the infaq, how come it doesn't have a padlock on it. I opened the contents for around IDR 35 thousand", said Kelvin, Monday, March 28.

The two perpetrators, based on CCTV footage, checked the infaq box in the women's line when they arrived at the mosque.

"One by one, they were checked. The small boxes contained a few because they were counted every Friday. The big boxes were rarely opened, the child used a flashlight to peek at the big box, he saw a lot of money", he explained.

From this incident, Suwandi estimates that the perpetrators managed to steal up to IDR 2 million in cash. The perpetrators, he said, were not members of the mosque.

"After that, the contents were there, they immediately returned to the train, took pliers, and damaged the infaq hook. No one knew the perpetrator, I asked the residents and no one in Head of Environment knew", he explained.

Until now, the mosque has not made a report to the police. "Officially not yet, but last night from Medan Timur came. There is also a plan to report", he said.