5 Latest Portraits Of World's Most Handsome Man, Paing Takhon, After Being Freed By Myanmar Military Regime

JAKARTA - Paing Takhon, a model, singer, actor, and singer who had entered the ranks of the world's most handsome men from Myanmar was finally released by the Myanmar military regime. A year ago he was arrested for opposing military rule.

Pain Takhon, 24, was arrested in April last year. He is being detained at the notorious Yangon Insein Prison with thousands of other political prisoners for being sentenced to three years in prison in December under sedition charges.

Celebrities were "pardoned from their sentences for participating in nation-building with their arts," the junta said in an announcement published in military-controlled media, citing Myanmar Now.

Freed from prison, Paing Takhon is back active on Instagram with a new account that is immediately verified @paing_takhon_official. "I'm nothing without my fans," he wrote in his Instagram bio.

Paing Takhon was born in Kawthoung, Myanmar on September 17, 1996. His debut in the modeling world occurred in 2014.

Three years later, Paing Takhon made his debut in the films 'Midnight Traveler' and 'Bad Boys 2' in 2017. In 2020, he was ranked as the 10th most handsome man in the world according to TC Candler.

Can act and sing, that's for sure. Not only that, but Pain Takhon is also very good at painting. Paing has uploaded a photo of his latest work. His painting ability can also be seen from the many tattoos on his body. Although quite a lot of body parts are tattooed, the choice of images is very varied and beautiful.

Paing Takhon's good looks have gone viral because of his 10 days of being a monk at the beginning of 2021. Paing made a total appearance by shaving off his hair. Wearing red monk clothes, Paing Takhon still looks handsome.

In 2020, Paing Takhon was ranked as the 10th most handsome man in the world according to TC Candler. The first photo felt on the beach, uploaded only with a black love sign caption. Netizens also flooded the comments with signs of love.