Raising 4 Big Issues At G20 ACWG, KPK Invites The International World To Prevent Corruption In Economic Practices
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is preparing to hold a G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group (ACWG) meeting. In this activity there are four priority issues that will be voiced by the KPK.
KPK Deputy Chair Lili Pintauli Siregar said the four issues consisted of increasing the role of audit in efforts to eradicate corruption to preventing corruption in the renewable energy sector.
"In this G20 ACWG event, the KPK has raised four priority issues, namely Increasing the Role of Audit in Combating Corruption; Public Participation and Anti-Corruption Education; Supervision of Professional Enablers in the Crime of Money Laundering; and Corruption in the Renewable Energy Sector," said Lili as quoted from a written statement, Friday, March 25.
This activity will be held for four days starting from March 28 to March 31. The meeting will be held virtually and will be opened by Deputy for Information and Data of the KPK, Mochammad Hadiyana as Chair, and Esther Bogaart from Australia as Co-Chair.
Lili said KPK Chair Firli Bahuri would be the keynote speaker on the agenda. The Anti-Corruption Commission hopes that the G20 ACWG will become a good momentum in efforts to eradicate corruption in Indonesia and globally.
"We hope that the G20 participants can come up with an agreement that can help G20 member countries and non-G20 members to prevent corruption in economic practices," he said.
Meanwhile, the Deputy for INDA of the KPK as Chair of ACWG Mochamad Hadiyana in the G20 Indonesia Presidency explained the issue of increasing the role of auditing to become High-Level Principles (HLP) in efforts to eradicate global corruption.
"If the issue of Increasing the Role of Audit in Combating Corruption as an HLP is later agreed upon by all members, it will be recorded in history as the legacy of the KPK or Indonesia as the Indonesian presidency in 2022," said Hadiyana.
In addition, he hopes that with the KPK as Chair of the ACWG, the contribution given to eradicating corruption at the global level will increase. "Where the final benefit is to create an advanced, prosperous, prosperous, and corruption-free society's economy," he concluded.