Governor Edy Proposes Budgets For Several Projects In Medan To Minister Suharso, One Of Them Is Normalization Of Eight Rivers Of IDR 2.5 Trillion

JAKARTA - North Sumatra Governor Edy Rahmayadi is planning to normalize several rivers in Medan. This step was taken to overcome flooding in the city of Medan from rivers that have experienced silting.

The proposed projects are the normalization and management of the Belawan River, Badera River, Deli River, Babura River, Sikambing River, Selayang River, Sei Putih River and Sulang Saling River.

From this project, Edy estimates that a budget of IDR 2.5 trillion is needed to normalize the eight rivers.

"The project to normalize eight rivers in Medan City worth IDR 2.5 trillion has been proposed to the Minister of National Development Planning (PPN)/Head of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), Suharso Monoarfa", said Edy in a statement quoted by Antara, Thursday, March 24.

In addition, Edy also proposed a waste management project in the areas of Medan, Binjai, Deli Serdang (Mebidang). Construction of a regional waste TPA in the field of STM Hilir Deliserdang. To build the TPA requires a cost of IDR 300 billion.

"Regarding this waste, this is a priority we propose to the Minister, our population is around 15 million, this waste is a problem for us, we do all kinds of things", he said.

Meanwhile, the third project proposal is the provision of piped drinking water access in the Me Field area. "We want to pursue this so that our people are truly free to get clean water", he explained.

Fourth, Edy proposed the construction of a reservoir for the Nias Islands, to be precise in Nias Regency (Idano Mola River, in Bawolato District). According to him, Nias Island has great agrarian potential but has limited water.

"Nias should be self-sufficient with its agrarian potential, but it is so difficult to get water, so these islands need a reservoir", he said.

Fifth, widening the road to Brand - BTS Kabanjahe (Three Arrows) along 3 km to support the tourism destination of Lake Toba. Sixth, the construction of Jalan Lahewa - Afulu - West Nias BTS. Seventh, the arrangement of the Sei Bilal Langkat slum area.

Eighth, training on the competency capacity of vocational teachers, technical assessors, and the Educational Professional Certification Institute. Ninth, the revitalization of SMK and improvement of SMK facilities and infrastructure. Tenth, increasing the capacity of nutrition surveillance and health workers of Puskesmas to accelerate the reduction of maternal mortality and stunting.