It's Still About The Rain Handler That Went Viral In Mandalika, PKS Admits To Being Amused By The Government That Doesn't Prioritize Technology

JAKARTA - The presence of the rain handler who is called Rara also attracted attention at the Mandalika MotoGP. The reason is, Roro Istiati entered the Mandalika Circuit when it was raining heavily ahead of the Mandalika MotoGP race.

The rain made the start time shift from 15.00 WITA or 14.00 WITA. Rara entered the Mandalika Circuit and performed a ritual to ward off the rain. Rara's presence was widely discussed by MotoGP fans in cyberspace. Responding to this, Member of Commission VIII of the DPR PKS Faction, Bukhori Yusuf, admitted that he was amused by the government's decision to use a handler to ward off rain during the Mandalika MotoGP event. He was surprised because this method was used in the midst of modern conditions. "It's just funny, because it seems like a mix between shamans and technology, even though we are already in the modern age and smart again," said Bukhori, Monday, March 21. The chairman of the PKS DPP regretted the government's move to prioritize shamanism to regulate the weather in the middle of the Mandalika MotoGP event. In fact, he said, the government should have used advanced technology.

"It should put technology ahead of shamans," said Bukhori.

This PKS Legislator for the Central Java Electoral District added that the technological approach is better because it does not conflict with religion. Different from shamanic ways.

"Technology and religion are not contradictory," said Bukhori.