Police Investigate Food Mafia Information Behind Cooking Oil Scarcity

JAKARTA - The National Police stated that they would follow up on the information provided by the Minister of Trade Muhammad Lutfi regarding the existence of the cooking oil mafia. The mafia is said to be the cause of the scarcity of cooking oil in the market.

"Regarding the information that mentions the existence of a cooking oil mafia, this matter is of course followed up by the Police and is currently being investigated by the Dirtipideksus Bareskrim Polri," said Karo Penmas of the Public Relations Division of the Police Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan in his statement, Monday, March 21.

Brigadier General Ramadhan ensured that the National Police through the Food Task Force would take firm action against all parties involved. Because, Bhayangkara Corps will ensure the availability of safe cooking oil ahead of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr.

"Law enforcement against this crime aims to ensure the smooth distribution of food and basic necessities in the community," said Ramadhan.

Meanwhile, the Head of the National Police's Food Task Force, Inspector General Helmy Santika, reminded that criminal threats for food mafias are contained in Law Number 7 of 2014 concerning Trade. In Article 107, the perpetrators can be threatened with a maximum imprisonment of 5 years and a maximum fine of IDR 50 billion.

Then, Article 29 paragraph (1) prohibits business actors from storing basic necessities or essential goods in a certain amount and time when there is a shortage of goods, price fluctuations, and/or barriers to trade traffic in goods.

"If you fulfill these elements, namely if there is a profit motive when there is a shortage and save more than 3 months of average sales plus one, then we will take strict action with criminal acts," said Helmy.

In addition, the National Police Food Task Force will also strengthen food supervision. The goal is to maintain a balance between the availability and demand for basic commodities.

"We are checking and monitoring in the field to ensure safe availability, smooth distribution, and affordable food prices for the community," said Helmy.

Previously, the Minister of Trade Muhammad Lutfi on the previous occasion said that he had provided data on findings to the police regarding the hoarding of cooking oil which amounted to thousands of tons.

"I have given all the data. This is still a presumption of innocence, but we have found it and this is in the thousands of tons (hoarding). We have reported it to the Police through the Criminal Investigation Unit, we have started to arrest and investigate," he explained.