PSI Supports Anies In Appointing Sudirman Said To Be Transjakarta Komut, Tumben?

JAKARTA - The chairman of the PSI faction of the DKI DPRD, Anggara Wicitra Sastroamidjojo, supports the decision of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan to appoint Sudirman Said as the President Commissioner of PT Transjakarta.

PSI's attitude this time is different from what has often been shown so far. Where, getting a seat in the DKI DPRD for the 2019-2024 period, PSI often criticizes Anies' various policies and decisions.

Responding to the appointment of Sudirman Said, Anggara assessed that Sudirman Said's experience and capabilities could definitely help improve TransJakarta's performance.

“We congratulate Pak Sudirman Said on his appointment as President Commissioner of TransJakarta. We believe that he has no doubt about his track record. Recently, TransJakarta has had many accidents. So, this is hard work for Mr. Dirman, this is proof for him," said Anggara in his statement, Sunday, March 20.

Anggara said that Sudirman Said should be able to encourage improvements in Transjakarta operational safety efforts. This is because, in his calculations, Transjakarta has an average of 1 to 3 accidents a day or 42 accidents per month.

Furthermore, Anggara also said that many Jakarta residents depend on TransJakarta. He hopes that the performance and service can get better.

"For us, Pak Dirman must immediately show his fangs. Many Jakarta residents depend on TransJakarta. Soon there will be JakLingko integration, this is another strategy. Don't let the service go down and passengers feel disadvantaged," he explained.

For information, Anies appointed Sudirman Said as Komut Transjakarta. Sudirman Said replaces Jaswandi who has served as Komut Transjakarta since August 2019.

The appointment of Sudirman Said as Komut Transjakarta was recently decided based on the results of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders (EGMS LB) which was held at City Hall DKI Jakarta today.

Sudirman Said was Minister and Mineral Resources in the 2014-2016 Working Cabinet, the same period as Anies Baswedan when he served as Minister of Education and Culture, before both of them were reshuffled.

Then, Sudirman Said has also been the head of the Anies-Sandiaga synchronization team since the two of them started serving as Governor and Deputy Governor of DKI in 2017.

This was criticized by PDIP. PDIP faction member Gilbert Simanjuntak assessed that Anies made Sudirman Said as the BUMD boss in the transportation sector because the two have a close relationship, not because of performance.