Padang Police Arrest 5 Teenagers Planning To Brawl, 3 Sajams Similar To Parang Seized

PADANG - The Padang City Police, West Sumatra (West Sumatra) dispersed a group of teenagers planning a brawl on Jalan M Thamrin, Alang Laweh, on Sunday, March 20, at around 04.00 WIB.

It is alleged that the group of teenagers riding motorbikes and carrying sharp weapons were about to clash in the local area which is the main access road for local residents.

"They wanted to do a brawl, luckily we immediately got information and went straight to the location," said Head of the Padang Police's Intelligence and Security Unit Kompol Ridwan as Pamenwas for Operation Cipta Conditions in Padang, quoted by Antara.

When officers arrived at the scene, the dozens of teenagers were immediately "tossed about" to escape using their respective motorbikes.

However, the officers managed to secure as many as five teenagers, as well as three iron blades made to resemble sharp weapons of the klewang and machete types.

The five teenagers were immediately taken into custody by the police to the Padang Polresta Office for further processing, as well as to investigate the plot of a brawl that often annoys road users.

"If an indication of a criminal act is found, it will be processed criminally, otherwise they will be fostered and we will call their respective parents," he said.

One teenager who was arrested by the police from the scene of the incident with the initials D, 17 years old, defended himself and denied that he participated in the brawl.

"I came home playing billiards and happened to pass by at the scene, I did not participate in the brawl," said the teenager, who is now still a student at a school in the local city.

Meanwhile, the Padang Police will continue to carry out operations to create conditions to anticipate brawls and illegal racing that often occur from Saturday night to Sunday morning.

"Their actions have disturbed the public and road users and disturbed the sense of security and order," he said.

He said the operation to create conditions involved joint personnel from the Sabhara Unit, the Criminal Investigation Unit and the Klewang Team, the Drug Investigation Unit, Intelligence and Security Service, and others. Each Sector Police (Polsek) also conducts patrols.

The police continue to remind parents to keep an eye on their respective children and not to allow children to go out until late at night.