Pretending To Order Food, A Woman In Medan Allegedly Stole Online Ojek Driver's Cell Phone And Threatened Him

MEDAN - Videos that recorded an argument between a number of online motorcycle taxi drivers and women in Medan were widely shared on social media.

The woman in black is suspected of having confiscated the cellphone of an online motorcycle taxi driver.

In the video narration, the woman in black is written ordering food online. When the online motorcycle taxi driver arrived at Haji Hospital, Medan, the woman immediately asked for the bill.

Not only that, but the woman also asked online motorcycle taxi drivers to show their cellphones. Unsuspectingly, the driver took out his cell phone.

But unexpectedly, when he was released, the woman took the online motorcycle taxi's cellphone. It didn't stop there, suddenly a man who was suspected to be the woman's friend came with a knife and threatened her.

"Stay there if you want to live," is written in the video narration.

After that, the two suspects immediately fled. Seeing that, the online motorcycle taxi driver tried to catch up and managed to pull the woman down.

However, the man who was threatening and carrying a knife managed to escape.

The incident attracted the attention of residents and other online motorcycle taxi drivers who eventually came to the victim.

Separately, the Head of Criminal Investigation (Bareskrim) at the Medan Police, Commissioner M Firdaus, when confirmed the incident. But until now, he said, his party had not received the report.

"There is no report yet," said Commissioner Firdaus, confirmed by VOI, Friday, March 18.