Two Perpetrators Of Badik Armed Extortion In Cilincing, Jakut Finally Arrested By Police

JAKARTA - The police arrested two perpetrators with the initials DBB and WS, who were suspected of carrying out illegal levies (Pungli) on truck drivers in the Cilincing area, North Jakarta.

The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for AKP Alex Chandra said the arrests took place in the Cilincing area, North Jakarta, Thursday, March 17, at 16.00 WIB.

"Yes, that's right, we caught him at 4 in the afternoon in the Cilincing area (North Jakarta). Because there is a viral incident, if there is no report yet. Arrested at the crime scene (TKP)," explained Alex when confirmed, Thursday, March 17.

Alex explained that the two actors had different roles in carrying out their actions.

"So there are two people, if in the video you can see one, another colleague is on the left, he is holding a sharp weapon. WS plays a role in forcibly taking the victim's cellphone from the driver's right side door, and DBB plays a role in threatening the victim with a sharp weapon of the badik type from the left side of the victim's car door," explained Alex.

From the hands of the perpetrators, the police secured evidence of sharp weapons of the type of badik and the clothes used by WS and DBB in their actions.

Now the two perpetrators have been detained at the Cilincing Police Station. They were charged with Article 365 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 9 years in prison.

"Article 365 of the Criminal Code carries a penalty of 9 years in prison," said Alex.