Three Years Of The Supreme Court Of The Electronic Justice System, The Result?

JAKARTA - Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (MA) Muhammad Syarifuddin said the electronic justice system developed by the institution entered the acceleration stage and emphasized two important aspects. The anniversary of the Indonesian Judges Association, which was monitored in Jakarta, Thursday, March 17. He said the implementation of these two aspects in the electronic justice system was his main target while serving as Chairman of the Supreme Court. the implementation or application of the electronic justice system in the country. On that occasion, he hopes that the international seminar organized by the Indonesian Judges Association can contribute ideas to the development of the electronic justice system in Indonesia. "Especially from cross-country perspectives," he said.

With the contribution of thoughts, he explained, it is hoped that the Supreme Court will get information or input regarding the use of technology for the duties and functions of the judiciary in a wider scope. or governance of the use of judicial information technology in other countries. This, he said, would be very useful as a material for comparison with that applied by the Supreme Court. In fact, he added, if possible applied to the justice system in Indonesia and plans to adopt it. "Of course, we must make adjustments first to our legal system," he said.