A Woman Burns Hospital In Tanjungbalai

TANJUNGBALAI - Tanjungbalai Police personnel are still investigating the case of the General Hospital (RSU) Dr Tengku Mansyur on Jalan Mayjen Sutoyo, Perwira Village, Tanjungbalai City, North Sumatra which was burned by a female patient. EPK (45) residents of Jalan MT Haryono, Selat Lancang Village, Datuk Bandar Timur District, Tanjung Balai City," said Police Chief AKBP Triyadi, through Head of Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Eri Prasetio, Wednesday, March 16. Polres Tanjungbalai. Police personnel have followed up by collecting evidence and examining a number of witnesses.

"From the results of the field inspection, the arson incident was carried out by the EPK, a female patient in the Obgyn Polyclinic at Tengku Mansyur General Hospital," he said, quoted by Antara. But before it was her turn, she suddenly broke through the queue and met the medical team who were on duty and then asked for fertility drugs for the IVF program." The woman explained that she was single (not married). IVF. After receiving an explanation from the officer, then the patient left the hospital," he said. Not long after, the woman returned to the hospital with a plastic bag filled with liquid to the side of the neurology clinic, then poured and ignited it with fire, so that burn the poly section. The fire can be extinguished by using the hospital's fire tube. "The perpetrator after burning immediately fled, and is currently still being searched," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit at Tanjungbalai Police.