Inspection Of A Number Of Basic Food Shops, West Cikarang Police Chief Ensures Cooking Oil Prices Are In Accordance With HET

CIKARANG – West Cikarang Police Chief Kompol Teddy Hartanto and his members conducted a surprise inspection (sidak) of cooking oil at a number of basic food shops. This activity was carried out to check the availability of cooking oil stocks and ensure that the Highest Retail Price (HET) was normal.

"We check and directly monitor the stock of food availability, especially cooking oil to avoid scarcity which can affect the selling price which will tend to be more expensive and have an impact on the people's economy," said Kompol Teddy to VOI, via text message, Wednesday, March 16, afternoon. .

This inspection activity was carried out at a number of basic food shops in Ruko Cassa Village, RT 05/03, Wanajaya Village, West Cikarang District.

Teddy explained that the bulk cooking oil in the area came from several suppliers including PT Rajawali Nusindo Cikarang branch (bulk oil), PT Asian Agro Agung Jaya (bulk oil), Marunda, North Jakarta and PT Honest Sentosa (packaged oil). , North Jakarta.

"This monitoring and data collection is carried out in accordance with the instructions of the National Police Chief, which was forwarded by the Bekasi Metro Police Chief," said Teddy.

Based on observations, the price of bulk oil is still in normal condition, namely Rp. 12 thousand per kilogram. Meanwhile, packaged oil is sold for Rp. 13,750 thousand per liter.

In addition to monitoring the availability of cooking oil, West Cikarang Police personnel also monitor the stock of basic commodities ahead of the fasting month, so that there is no shortage that causes prices to soar.