Money Laundering Mode Can Be Prevented From The Beginning By Notaries, Menkum HAM Says

JAKARTA - Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham) Yasonna Hamonangan Laoly reminded notaries to work professionally and prevent money laundering (TPPU) from happening.

"As a very strategic profession, notaries are expected to act professionally, honestly, trustworthy, and impartially in providing services to the community," Yasonna said after inaugurating the interim replacement (PAW) of the Notary Central Supervisory Council and the Central Notary Honorary Council in Jakarta, Wednesday 16 March.

According to the politician from the PDI-P, all notaries need to be supervised, fostered, and protected to ensure that professional duties are carried out according to the position's code of ethics, including obeying and implementing applicable laws and regulations.

The acceleration of national economic recovery from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, he continued, must involve all parties, one of which is a notary. Notaries play an important role in realizing certainty and ease of doing business in starting a business and also playing a role related to community economic activities.

"Notaries must be careful in accepting service users and help prevent money laundering crimes," said the Professor of Criminology at the Police Science College (PTIK) quoted from Antara.

Based on the research results of the Center for Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis (PPATK), it was found that money laundering crimes perpetrators often use the services of a notary in carrying out their actions.

Based on this research, Yasonna continues to remind every notary to be obliged to apply the principle of recognizing the users of the notary profession.

Currently, there are 19,109 notaries in Indonesia and they are spread over 514 regencies and cities. The notaries on average make up to five million deeds per year.