Local Brand At Paris Fashion Event, Sandiaga Uno Affirms Kemenparekraf Never Disbursed Funds

JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno emphasized that the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy did not fund local brands or brands appearing at a fashion event in Paris, France.

"Not a single rupiah of funds from the government through the Kemenprkraf financed the visits of these brands in Paris," said Sandiaga in his statement, Tuesday, March 15.

Sandiaga said that Kemenparekraf has the duty and function to foster and encourage brands who are the nation's best talents, not only a proud national movement made in Indonesia, but also going international and going global.

“Last year we facilitated some of our facilitation to New York at Time Square, some this year also came with some extraordinary collaboration steps. But we facilitate it in terms of providing encouragement and inspiration, facilitating communication with the Indonesian Embassy, managing VISA, "said Sandiaga.

Furthermore, Sandiaga explained that Kemenparekraf's support for local products to go international was not the first. While at school, Sandiaga also talked about his mother, Mien R. Uno, who actively participated in promotions at international events.

"Specifically this time, because our focus is on handling the pandemic, and how we can revive the economy, we need to appreciate some of these brands, because they have contributed in terms of increasing exports, our creative economy products which last year exceeded 21 billion US dollars, and most of the fashion sub-sector,” said Sandiaga.

Sandiaga hopes that in the future Kemenparekraf can encourage creative economy and fashion products to go international and generate economic growth, as well as create job opportunities.

On the other hand, he will also defend and ensure that Indonesia's reputation in the eyes of the world will get better. "Because of each brand, between 50-70 jobs (which are created). We, will side with these MSMEs, and we will buy them and make sure Indonesia's reputation in the eyes of the world is getting better, and our products are increasingly being accepted," said Sandiaga.

The Paris Fashion Week (PFW) event became a hot topic in the country when a local brand or brand claimed to be a part of the fashion event. In fact, the event they attended was different from the Paris Fashion Week organized by the Fédération de la Haute Couture et de la Mode (FHCM).

As a result, local brands have been criticized by various parties so that they are considered to be fooling the public.