Army Chief Of Staff Meets With Ulama And Community Leaders In Aceh

JAKARTA - Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) General TNI Dudung Abdurachman met with a number of clerics, community leaders, and the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda) throughout Aceh Province, at the Iskandar Muda Military Command, Aceh.

The Army Chief of Staff said that face-to-face meetings with the nation's components in Aceh had been his desire for a long time.

He hopes that his arrival will add to the harmony between the Indonesian Army and other components of the nation in building and prospering the Acehnese people.

"I came to Aceh to see how far the contribution of the TNI AD to the local government in the success of government programs and the welfare of the community," said the Army Chief of Staff, quoted by Antara, Friday, March 11.

In addition to conveying the activities he has carried out in the Aceh region, Kasad conveyed his policy regarding the recruitment of Indonesian Army soldiers from among students and interfaith groups.

"Essentially, if we recruit from santri, at least our morals are maintained so that when we become soldiers, we will adhere to the Eight Mandatory TNI and the Seven Daily Commandments of the Army Chief of Staff," said the former Kostrad Commander.

The former Pangdam Jaya expressed his gratitude to all those who welcomed him and his entourage in an extraordinary and warm manner, more specifically to Wali Nanggroe and the people of Aceh who had given him the traditional honorary title "Sri Lila Meukuta Abdurachman" and "Cut Nyak Rahma". ' to his wife.

Meanwhile, Pangdam Iskandar Muda Major General TNI Mohamad Hasan said that the coordination and cooperation between the ranks of the Indonesian Army and the components of the nation in Aceh had been well established.

This, he continued, can create coolness, understanding, and public awareness about the importance of harmony and tolerance, working hand in hand, and synergizing with each other to overcome problems that occur in the community.

The former Danjen Kopassus expressed his gratitude for the policy and attention of Kasad in providing a large allocation for the Iskandar Muda Kodam in the recruitment of Indonesian Army soldiers from among students and interfaith groups, where interest in becoming a soldier through recruitment is very high.