A Total Of 7,701 North Sulawesi Residents Are Still In Isolation Due To COVID-19

SULUT - A total of 7,701 residents of North Sulawesi (North Sulawesi) are still undergoing isolation in hospitals or independently after being confirmed positive for COVID-19.

"Currently active cases in North Sulawesi are 15.2 percent," said the Head of the P2P Division of the North Sulawesi Provincial Health Office, dr. Steaven P. Dandel in Manado, Antara, Thursday, March 10.

Active cases in North Sulawesi had increased during the Omicron variant in February 2022. The highest number of active cases occurred on February 27, namely 10,713 people or 22.2 percent.

That number also continued to decline along with the increasing number of daily cured cases that occurred in late February and early March this week.

To date, the accumulation of North Sulawesi residents who have been declared cured of COVID-19 has reached 41,788 people after an additional 438 recovered cases (the cure rate reached 82.6 percent).

The hundreds of recovered cases came from Minahasa Regency (165 people), Bitung City (83 people), Talaud Islands Regency (56 people), North Minahasa Regency (37 people) and Southeast Minahasa Regency (34 people), Sangihe Islands Regency (22 people). ).

South Minahasa Regency (12 people), Bolaang Mongondow Regency (11 people) and South Bolaang Mongondow City and Regency each seven people, Sitaro Islands Regency (three people), and outside the region (one person).