There Is Potential For Land Movement, Deputy Governor Of DKI: It Turns Out That Jakarta Is Not Just A Flood Problem

JAKARTA - As many as 10 areas in Jakarta have the potential to experience ground movement. Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria said that this condition made all parties aware of the disasters being faced in the capital, not just floods.

"This is a concern that we must be more careful about. In Jakarta, it turns out that it is not only about flooding, earthquakes, but also land shifts," said Riza at DKI City Hall, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, March 8.

Riza admitted that the DKI Provincial Government does not yet have specific guidelines in dealing with potential land shifts. However, currently his party is conducting research related to this phenomenon.

However, if ground movement occurs, Riza said the DKI Provincial Government will immediately prepare temporary shelters that are usually used by flood-affected residents.

"We will anticipate, this is something new for DKI, so it remains our concern. Winning there is no guidebook related to land movement, there is only one related to flood control. If evacuation is needed, the places are ready," he explained.

Previously, the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources stated that 10 areas in Jakarta have the potential to experience ground movement.

The ten locations are located in two administrative cities, namely, East Jakarta and South Jakarta. In East Jakarta, these locations are in Kramat Jati and Pasar Rebo.

In South Jakarta, the locations are in Cilandak, Jagakarsa, Kebayoran Baru, Kebayoran Lama, Mampang Prapatan, Pancoran, Pasar Minggu, and Pesanggrahan.

These 10 locations are in the middle zone. In this zone, soil movement can occur if rainfall is above normal, especially in areas bordering river valleys, escarpments, road cliffs, or if the slopes are disturbed.

Locations that have the potential for ground movement are feared to cause landslides and damage or crack houses. So, it is feared that it will also cause casualties.