Miscommunication Of Judge And Prosecutor Adam Deni's Trial Postponed

JAKARTA - The panel of judges at the North Jakarta District Court postponed the first trial of reading the indictment in the case of the Electronic Information and Transactions Act (ITE) with the defendant Adam Deni. North Jakarta District Court, Monday 7 March. The ITE Law case was registered with Case Number: 179/Pidsus/2022/PN.JKT.UTR with two defendants, namely Adam Deni and Ni Made Dwita Anggari. Rudi explained the reason for the postponement of the trial because the public prosecutor The North Jakarta District Attorney has not yet presented the defendants. In addition, Adam Deni's legal team was also asked to improve the completeness of the power of attorney. "We have not received a letter regarding the determination of the trial day. North Jakarta Kejari, Dyofa yudistira. Adam Deni Gearaka was reported by a person with the initials SYD for alleged violations of the ITE Law, the report was recorded with Police number LP/B/0040/I/2022/SPKT/Dit.Tipidsiber, Bareskrim Polri dated January 27, 2022.

SYD is Ahmad Sahroni's attorney who made a report to the Directorate of Cyber Crime and Criminal Investigation of the Police with Police Report number: LP/B/0040/I/2022/SPKT/Dittipidsiber Bareskrim Polri dated January 27, 2022, with the suspicion of Article 48 paragraph (1), ( 2), and (3) in conjunction with Article 32 paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of the ITE Law. Adam Deni received legal assistance from the DPD of the DKI Jakarta Indonesian Advocates Congress (KAI). , will defend our client until the end," said Adam Deni's attorney from the DKI KAI DPD, Herwanto at the North Jakarta District Court (PN).