No Action In Keselamatan Jaya Operation 2022

JAKARTA - The Metro Jaya Police has ensured that it will not apply sanctions in the form of a ticket in the Keselamatan Jaya Operation 2022. Because this operation will prioritize preventive, humane, and sympathetic efforts.

"There is no such thing as prosecution, ticketing, etc., nothing," said Head of Operation Bureau of Metro Jaya Police, Grand Commissioner Marsudianto, Tuesday, March 1.

The preventive, humanistic, and sympathetic pattern used means that officers will only give advice regarding the importance of maintaining traffic safety and obeying health protocols.

However, if a violation is found that endangers the public or other motorists, then action will be taken. However, the prosecution is the last step to be taken.

"Those that pose a threat to the safety of the community will be prosecuted," said Marsudianto.

In addition, the Keselamatan Jaya Operation 2022 will be carried out at 83 points in the Jakarta area and its surroundings. Later, the team from the Resort Police ranks will do a similar pattern.

"The Regional Police itself will carry out at 38 points later. While from the Resort police ranks as many as 45 points," said Marsudianto.

Previously it was reported that the Metro Jaya Police would hold Operation Jaya 2022. In which, the operation will target traffic rules violators.

Keselamatan Jaya Operation will last for two weeks starting on March 1. In addition, thousands of joint personnel will be deployed in the operation.

"The Keselamatan Jaya Ops in 2022 involves 3164 personnel consisting of 3024 Polri personnel, 80 TNI personnel, and 30 Dishub personnel, 30 Satpol PP," he said.

Then, Keselamatan Jaya Operation will also oversee the implementation of health protocols (prokes) in tourist attractions and other public spaces. The goal is to suppress the spread of COVID-19, the Omicron variant.