Remember March 1, Motor Vehicle Users In Serang City Have Been Monitored By ETLE At Three New Points

SERANG - The Directorate of Traffic (Ditlantas) of the Banten Police has added three electronic ticketing cameras (ETLE) points this year. These three new cameras have begun to be installed and have been integrated with the ETLE ticket control room at the Banten Police.

The three new ETLE points of the Banten Police are located on Jalan Raya Serang-Jakarta, precisely in front of the Mall of Serang (MOS) exit. Then the second location is at the Kebon Jahe intersection, Serang City and the third location is at the Ciruas intersection, precisely in front of the Ciruas Police Sector, Serang Regency.

Prior to the operation of the three new ETLE locations, the Banten Police Ditlantas carried out outreach activities to the community by installing billboards in three new locations.

Dirlantas Polda Banten Kombes Pol Budi Mulyanto said that the three new ETLE locations were ready to operate and would begin to take action against traffic violations with electronic tickets on March 1, 2022.

"The three new ETLE locations are ready to operate and take action on traffic violations with electronic tickets on March 1, 2022," said Budi Mulyanto in his official statement, Sunday, February 27.

Budi Mulyanto also said that today, the personnel of the Gakkum Ditlantas Sub-Directorate have installed socialization billboards to the public regarding the enforcement of traffic violations with ETLE at the three new locations.

Previously, the Banten Police Ditlantas had imposed electronic tickets at three points, namely at the Ciceri red light, the Pecung Sumur red light and the Pisang Mas red light. The ETLE camera monitors traffic violations for 24 hours.

"So now the Banten Police have owned and installed six ETLE locations in the Serang City and Serang Regency areas. We hope that people will cultivate a culture of order and obey traffic regulations, especially now that fines have been imposed for violators who are caught or caught on ETLE cameras. "closed Budi Mulyanto.