North Sumatra Prosecutors Examine Empty Vaccine Injecting Doctor Case Files

MEDAN - The North Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office received the delegation of the case file of the alleged doctor injecting an empty COVID-19 vaccine with the suspect TGA from the North Sumatra Police.

Currently, the Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the North Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office is examining the case files for the TGA suspect.

"We have received the stage 1 delegation file to examine its completeness both formally and materially. If it is not complete, it will be returned to North Sumatra Police investigators to be completed," said Head of the Law Enforcer (Penkum) at the North Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office, Yos A. Tarigan, in a written statement, reported by Antara, Sunday, February 27.

Yos said that the sharpness of a public prosecutor as the control of prosecution policy (dominus litis) would guide investigators if they were incomplete in compiling files and providing both formal and material instructions.

"Later on, the case file for the empty vaccine injection doctor will be submitted to the appointed team of prosecutors. Then the prosecutor will study the formalities and materials," said Yos.

Previously, the North Sumatra Police had transferred the case file of the empty vaccine injection case involving an individual TGA doctor to the Public Prosecutor of the North Sumatra High Court.

"Investigators have handed over the case file to be investigated by the North Sumatran Attorney General's Office," said the Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatran Police, Kombes Pol. Hadi Wahyudi, in Medan, Tuesday, February 22.

Hadi said that the examination file for the doctor who injected the blank vaccine was complete at the investigation stage.

Until now, there are two victims of the alleged empty vaccine injection at the Wahidin Sudirohusodo Elementary School (SD).

"From the results of laboratory tests on the blood of the two students, no vaccine was found in their bodies. And the blood samples were non-reactive," he said.

The Head of Public Relations said that in this case, investigators had examined more than 20 witnesses, ranging from experts to victims. From the doctors involved in the case of the empty vaccine injection, they were subject to Article 14 paragraph 1 of Law Number 1984 concerning Outbreaks of Infectious Diseases.

North Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office Building, Jalan AH Nasution, Medan. (ANTARA/Munawar)