Not Agreeing To Postpone The 2024 Election, NasDem: Unable To Imagine The Constitution Being Torn Apart

JAKARTA - The NasDem Party rejected the discourse of extending the presidential term in line with the proposed postponement of the 2024 General Election due to reasons for economic recovery due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The chairman of the Nasdem Party DPP, Teuku Taufiqulhadi, admitted that he could not understand the proposal made by PKB General Chair Muhaimin Iskandar. According to him, the proposal is irresponsible because it could damage the constitution.

"We can't imagine that just because we want to extend the presidential term for a year or two, then the constitution will be destroyed," said Taufiq in his statement, Friday, February 25.

In addition, said Taufiq, the proposal is also inconsistent with the election schedule that has been agreed upon by the government and the DPR. Where it was decided to fall on February 14, 2024. Even the PKB faction agreed.

According to Taufiq, the proposed extension of the president's term of office, apart from colliding with the constitution and the agreed schedule for the Election Law, also destroys the consolidation of democracy.

"The proposal to extend the term to the president by dismantling the Constitution does not consider the further destruction of plans to improve the nation's democracy," he said.

"So the discourse of extending the term of office of the president for the pragmatic purposes of the politicians is not equivalent to the damage to the constitution caused," he continued.

It is known that the PKB chairman, Muhaimin Iskandar, conveyed the discourse on postponing the previous general election on Wednesday, February 23. According to Cak Imin, postponing the election is important for the stability of economic recovery due to the pandemic.

Recently, PAN has also expressed its support for the proposal. Apart from the economy, PAN is also considering the global political situation, especially after the Russian invasion of Ukraine on Thursday, February 24.

The party chaired by Zulkifli Hasan is also considering the increasing level of public satisfaction with Jokowi.