Australian Caucasians In Tabanan Bali Found Lifeless Without Clothing

TABANAN - Baturiti Police Chief Commissioner Ida Bagus Mertayasa confirmed that an Australian foreign national (WNA) with the initials PJD (69) was found dead at Villa The Odity in Baturiti Village, Tabanan Regency, Bali.

"(The victim died) due to illness," said Kompol Mertayasa, Wednesday, February 23.

The Australian Caucasian was known to have died on the evening of Tuesday, February 22.

According to witness testimony, the victim did not answer when called. Another witness also came to the villa but the victim did not answer.

The witness asked the Bendesa Adat for permission to enter the villa through the north fence behind the villa.

There, the witness saw the victim had died naked on the sofa.

"After it was discovered that the incident occurred, the witness informed Bhabinkamtibmas and officers from the Baturiti Police who came to the scene for an examination," he added.

Meanwhile, when an external examination was carried out by the Baturiti 1 Health Center medical team, it was confirmed that there were no signs of violence on the victim's body.

"Based on the results of the TKP (scene) and witness statements, it is suspected that the victim died naturally and the victim's body has been taken to Sanglah Hospital with the Tabanan BPBD ambulance," he said.