Oku Police Search Residents' Houses Allegedly Hoarding

OKU - The Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Police in South Sumatra has dismantled a cooking oil storage warehouse in a house belonging to a resident on Jalan Rajawali II, Sekar Jaya Village, East Baturaja District.

"In this warehouse, we detained the perpetrator with the initials AA (36) who is suspected of hoarding the cooking oil," said Ogan Komering Ulu Police Chief, AKBP Danu Agus Purnomo, in Baturaja, Antara, Wednesday, February 23.

The disclosure of this discovery was made possible by information from the local community who reported suspicions of a house being used as a storage area for cooking oil.

Armed with this information, the police moved quickly to search the house and found hundreds of derigen containing cooking oil.

Inside the warehouse, the police found as many as 210 jerry cans containing Sofia brand cooking oil with an amount of almost 4 tons supplied from Palembang.

"We have secured the perpetrators and evidence at the OKU Police Headquarters for further investigation," he said.

The police will call witnesses and check the completeness of the documents for the cooking oil, including confirming the distributor supplying it from Palembang. "We want to know whether there was a violation or hoarding or not," he said.

The perpetrators are threatened with being charged with Article 62 in conjunction with Article 10 letter (a) of Law Number 7/1999 in conjunction with Permendagri Number 6/2022 concerning the determination of the highest retail price for palm cooking oil.