Professor Of Udayana University, Bali, Hanged Himself

DENPASAR - Professor of Udayana University (Unud) Prof. Dr. Ir KBA, MS (63) was found dead by suicide by hanging himself.

"At 16.15 WITA, the victim's body was taken to Sanglah Hospital by the Denpasar City BPBD ambulance," said Head of Public Relations of Denpasar Police Iptu I Ketut Sukadi, Monday, February 21 evening.

The incident occurred on Jalan Kerta Winangun II, Sidakarya Village, South Denpasar, Bali. At that time, the victim's child or witness with the initials KDY who had just arrived from Malang, East Java, saw that his father was still in good health.

After that the witness fell asleep. At 12.00 WITA, the witness had a chance to chat with the victim. But at around 13.30 WITA, the witness found the victim hanging in the living room with a blue plastic rope hanging from the stairs on the second floor of his house.

Meanwhile, the testimony of another witness explained, at around 13.30 WITA, when the witness was watching TV at his house, suddenly the gate was rocked by the victim's child while crying saying his father had committed suicide.

Hearing this, the witness then left the house to ask for help from local residents.

"According to the witness' knowledge, the victim was a closed person who complained of difficulty sleeping, often felt weak and is currently working as a lecturer at Unud," he said.

After that, the Denpasar Police Satreskrim identification unit team arrived at the scene and carried out an investigation of the scene. From the crime scene, there were no signs of violence, while the victim's neck was found to have been snared under the earlobe.

"Evidence that was secured by a blue plastic rope. Currently, the victim's child cannot be questioned because he is still in shock over the death of the victim or his father," said Iptu Sukadi.