G20 Momentum Discusses Climate Issues Comprehensively

PURWOKERTO - An expert on Hydrology and Water Resources at Jenderal Soedirman University (Unsoed) Purwokerto Yanto said that the G20 Forum was a momentum to discuss the issue of climate change as a whole considering its broad and massive impact on the quality of human life. in the discussion lines that exist at the G20 forum because of its broad impact from the economic aspect to the quality of human life," he said in Purwokerto, Banyumas Regency, Monday, February 21. conditions of climate change to the evaluation of climate change mitigation actions that have been carried out so far. He explained that the G20 forum has two currents of issues, namely the finance track which focuses on financial issues and the sherpa track which focuses on broader fields outside of financial issues. think the issue of climate change can be changed as comprehensive, both through finance and Sherpa discussions, considering that climate change programs also need to be supported by financial aspects," he said.

According to him, a thorough discussion on the issue of climate change at a forum consisting of 19 main countries and the European Union (EU) is very important because the impact of climate change on the financial sector is very large. the next year in an international forum it is used to encourage comprehensive discussions on floods, droughts and other climate disasters. Meanwhile, Indonesia will hold the G20 Presidency for the first time in 2022, starting on December 1, 2021, until the handover of the next presidency at the High Level Conference (KTT) later this year. For one year, Indonesia esia will carry out the function of chairing an international forum that is an important part of the world. This is a trust and honor as well as a historic event for the entire nation.