Anticipating Cyber Crime, LPS Chair Reminds Banks To Improve Education To Customers
JAKARTA - Digital banking innovation is a necessity and has a positive impact. But on the other hand, there are risks that must be faced by banks, especially in terms of digital compliance, cyber security, and other operational risks related to digital risk.
This was conveyed by the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) Purbaya Yudhi Sadewa in the Infobank web seminar forum, "Retail Bank Mapping 2022, The Rise of Neobank vs Cyber Crime", Thursday 17 February "As an important anticipatory measure, we would like to emphasize the importance of adequate risk management practices, both by traditional and digital banks. In addition, the financial safety net in Indonesia, which consists of BI, OJK, LPS, and the Ministry of Finance, also has an important role in maintaining financial system stability," said Purbaya in a statement, Friday, February 18. the development of digital banking is the threat of cyber crime, such as social engineering which aims to obtain certain information and skimming or theft of information by copying customer information contained in the magnetic stripe of credit or debit cards that are carried out illegally. We consider that cyber crime needs more attention, especially for banking service providers who need to ensure a reliable risk management system that complies with applicable security standards. Customers as users also need to know the various modes of cyber crime so that they are always vigilant in digital transactions,” he explained. Therefore he emphasized that education and outreach to the public needs to be done to increase awareness, especially customers, of cyber threats and various modes of fraud.
According to him, LPS itself has implemented various security measures for LPS system and data, which aims to make depositors feel safe and trust to keep their funds in banks. IDIC has also implemented a Data Loss Prevention (DLP) system to prevent data leakage,” he said. According to him, information system security at IDIC is implemented and managed by taking into account four aspects of information security. These include availability, which is an aspect that ensures that data will be available when needed, integrity, which is an aspect that ensures that data is not changed without the permission of the authorized party.
There is also confidentiality, which is an aspect that ensures the confidentiality of data, ensures that data can only be accessed by authorized persons and cannot be denied (non-repudiation), which is an aspect that ensures that a person cannot deny having made a transaction. IDIC will continue to monitor and manage the information security system so that it can handle various cyber risks, including the latest modes of cyber crime. In order to support the development of digital banking, IDIC also continues to maintain customer trust through the implementation of a consistent and credible deposit guarantee program.