Sandiaga Uno: Hotel And Vehicle Rental Prices Before MotoGP Regulated In The Governor Of NTB

MANDALIKA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, revealed that he had prepared options to anticipate price spikes, both for lodging and transportation such as vehicle rentals, ahead of and during the 2022 Mandalika MotoGP event.

According to Sandi, one of them is that a Governor's Regulation will be issued which sets the threshold by setting the zone, main zone, zone one, and buffer zone.

"There will be an NTB Governor Regulation to provide a threshold for room fees per night and transportation costs", said Sandi during the Mandalika 2022 MotoGP Weekly Synchronization meeting in an official statement, Tuesday, February 15.

Then, continued Sandi, his party also added accommodation, including the provision of floating hotels in collaboration with PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia/PELNI (Persero) and Pelindo, cruise ship operators, Pinisi ship operators, utilization of proper housing around Mandalika, and training centers. owned by the ministry/institution.

"The preparation of the camping ground (CG) in collaboration with operators such as Eiger and BoboBox, as well as accommodation options in Bali", he said.

The plan is for CG to be built in the West and East Zones of Mandalika by the government, which is currently finalizing the concept of placement.

Kemenparekraf will coordinate with the NTB Provincial Government and related parties such as the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) to map out the distribution of accommodation in the area.

This mapping includes reviewing the occupancy rate to anticipate the surge in the need for hotel rooms, homestays, and tourism residential facilities (Sarhunta).

On that occasion, Sandi also revealed the hotel occupancy rate around the location of the MotoGP race at the Pertamina Mandalika Circuit, Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province as of Tuesday, February 15, was full.

While outside the Mandalika area, it still varies with an average of 50 percent, so there are still rooms available for people who want to come to watch or just travel to feel the nuances of the 2022 Mandalika MotoGP race.

"Today in Mandalika it is 100% but areas outside Mandalika still vary, the average number is around 50% or lower", said Sandiaga

Sandi said, The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy always monitors this matter, especially the routine data updates carried out by the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Provincial Tourism Office.

"In the three Gilis (Gili Trawangan, Gili Air, and Gili Meno) there are also around 5,600 rooms available and there are still many rooms that have not been booked for MotoGP events", said the Menparekraf.

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy will also ensure the verification of CHSE (Cleanliness, Health, Safety, Environment Sustainability) on Sarhunta that has been built by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR).