People's Conditions Are Still Difficult, PSI Asks Government To Postpone Liquid JHT Regulations At The Age Of 56

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) has asked the Government, in this case the Minister of Manpower, Ida Fauziyah, to review the Regulation of the Minister of Manpower Number 2 of 2022.

In which, Permenaker Number 2 of 2022 contains a provision that BPJS Employment Old Age Security (JHT) money can only be disbursed when the worker turns 56 years old.

“PSI can understand JHT's good intentions for the benefit of old age. But today, in the midst of economic hardship due to the pandemic, many people really have to overcome short-term problems related to meeting basic needs. JHT money can be a savior," said PSI DPP Spokesperson, Francine Widjojo, in a statement, Sunday, February 13.

The lawyer who is familiarly called Noni assessed that the Job Loss Insurance (JKP) program was not sufficient to accommodate because it did not apply to employees who resigned. Moreover, he said, the value was not too large and only valid for a maximum of 6 months.

Noni said that the requirement for disbursement of JHT when actually entering retirement age, including for workers who resigned and were laid off, was regulated in Permenaker Number 19 of 2015 and has not yet been implemented. Therefore, according to him, it is better if the Minister of Manpower Regulation No. 2 of 2022 is postponed while waiting for the national economic condition to improve.

"While waiting, it is necessary to disseminate information that involves all stakeholders so that the short-term and long-term interests of the people can be guaranteed," said Noni. (JHT).

The public protested after the Ministry of Manpower issued the Minister of Manpower Regulation Number 2 of 2022 concerning Procedures and Requirements for Payment of Old Age Security Benefits. Through this rule, JHT participants can only get their rights after entering retirement age or 56 years.

"Because the purpose of the JHT is to guarantee cash in old age, then the JHT claim should not be made when the old age has not yet arrived," said Ida, Saturday, February 12.

According to Ida, participants in the JHT program can still get some of their rights under certain conditions. One of them, participants must have the status of being a participant in social security for at least 10 years. Then, the value of JHT that can be claimed is 30 percent for housing, or 10 percent for other purposes.

He ensures that the disbursement of JHT before the participant reaches retirement age can be done as long as the above conditions are met. These provisions apply to all JHT participants.

"So as long as the participation period has been fulfilled, participants can claim the percentage value. This applies to participants, both those who are still working or those who have been laid off," he said.

Ida explained, if a partial JHT claim is made before retirement, the remaining funds can only be taken when the participant reaches the age of 56. JHT can also be disbursed if the participant dies (submitted by heirs) or experiences a permanent total record.