UI Chancellor Ari Kuncoro Suggests Candidates For OJK Bosses Understand Macro And Micro Economic Problems

JAKARTA - The candidates for commissioners of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) must understand macro and micro economic issues. This is because problems at the macro level will greatly affect the micro economy.

"There must be a balance, understanding macro and micro economic problems. Because Indonesia is a country that makes large investments for its practitioners. These academics and practitioners are very important. If the academics have field experience, it feels right," said the Chancellor of the University of Indonesia (UI) Prof. Ari Kuncoro in his statement in a webinar at the Home Discussion Room (BRD) entitled "The New FSA Captain in the Middle of Financial Digitization and Post-pandemic Economic Recovery", quoted by Antara, Sunday, February 13.

Ari said Indonesia's current macro and micro economic trends are marked by technological developments such as fintech, online loans (loans) and others, which could have been predicted beforehand.

In fact, changes and economic challenges are growing following the digitalization of the economy which is growing very rapidly during the pandemic.

"The current pandemic is actually accelerating the digitalization of the economy, which we previously thought was far away. So, future policy-makers must fully understand what is happening now and its changes, including properly understanding the behavior of our consumers," said Prof Ari.

On the same occasion, Chairman of the Presidium Board of the Association of Indonesian Mutual Funds and Investment Actors (APRDI) Prihatmo Hari Mulyanto said that future OJK commissioners must have high competence and be able to synergize with industry players and other regulators to realize the expectations of industry associations.

OJK must also dare to act decisively by prioritizing the interests of consumers, including eliminating fraudulent investment products.

"So far, we have sometimes forgotten the issue of quality focus from the side of actors, products, and regulators. Because, no matter how good the regulations are but there is no strong desire from the perpetrators to carry out the rules, it will still be a problem. Product quality will also be a problem in itself. Pinjol It's like a double-edged sword, it's good, but if the supervision is not effective, it will end up harming the community," said Prihatmo.

The chairman of the APRDI Presidium also said that there were many violations with smarter modes, so that there was always a need for strict supervision and firm steps from the OJK.

Meanwhile, Perbanas Executive Director Eka Sri Dana Afriza said, in this current era, every leader must have a strong vision for the future, understand problems, and be able to adapt to any technological developments.

"There is a digital phenomenon, in front of us there is a huge market potential, we are all required to adapt. For example, BRI accelerates its business model by providing its own satellite, and other banks are also digitizing banking. Consumers have enjoyed it and there are many application options There is a good side, there is a negative side. So future leaders must be able to understand all of this, "he said

He also highlighted specifically the potential of millennials who are considered the most suitable to be leaders today.

"Millennials are closest to us. When asked what they want to be, what they want to be, how they want to be a YouTuber, they want to be an influencer. They want to get their returns quickly. Young bankers can also change a lot of things. Everything makes banking easy in our hands. ," said the Executive Director of Perbanas.

Sri Dana emphasized that in the future, policy makers are needed who handle policy and regulatory support appropriately to manage the current digital economy development.