Cat Persecutor In Tulungagung, East Java Sentenced To 3 Months In Prison

TULUNGAGUNG - The Tulungagung District Court, East Java, sentenced the cat molester, with the initials AZI (23,) to three months in prison whose video had gone viral on social media.

"This judge's decision is lighter than the general prosecutor's (JPU) demand for a five-month prison sentence," said Head of Intelligence at the Tulungagung District Attorney's Office, Tri Radityo, quoted by Antara, Friday, February 11.

The trial was held online. Suspect AZI followed the trial process from the Class IIB Tulungagung Penitentiary.

The defendant was found guilty of violating Article 14 paragraph 1 of Law Number 1 of 1946 concerning the Criminal Law Regulations and Article 15 of Law Number 1 of 1946.

Based on the law, the Public Prosecutor demanded the defendant to be sentenced to five months in prison.

"Things that ease the defendant's behavior are polite, cooperative, young and promise not to repeat his actions again," said Agung.

While the aggravating thing, his actions have made the community rowdy.

AZI will then serve his sentence for the next 25 days.

This young man from Gondang, Tulungagung, has been in detention since December 9, 2021. That means, he has been in confinement for 65 days until the verdict is handed down by the Panel of Judges at the Tulungagung District Court.

"The perpetrator accepts the decision, while the prosecutor is still thinking about it," he said.

Responding to the decision, Animal Defender activists admitted that they were disappointed because the prosecutor's demands were deemed not to fulfill the sense of justice in the community.

"Only five months from being threatened with two years," explained the Head of Animal Defender, Doni Herdaru after AZI's verdict trial.

In comparison to the case of animal abuse in Medan, the perpetrator was sentenced to two years and six months in prison.

Nevertheless, his party appreciates the enforcement of the law on animal abuse in Tulungagung.

In this case, the community was made noisy with a video of a cat being force-fed by a young man on October 18, 2019. The video was uploaded to the insta story of the actor @azzam_cancel.

The perpetrator had argued that the kiss given was coconut water, which aimed to save the cat from poisoning.