Dating Violence, Know The Facts And Preventive Steps To Prevent It From Happening

JAKARTA – Dating violence is a detrimental experience and affects young people. This situation is also experienced by the former Amygdala vocalist and lyricist for the song Kukira Kau Rumah, which was adapted into the title of the same film.

So that similar incidents do not happen again, you need to know the intricacies of facts about dating violence that occurs in many countries around the world. Also know the preventive measures to prevent situations that not only affect the victim's physical but also mental.

Quoting the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention page, Friday, February 11, dating violence can occur in person, online, or through technology. Types of dating violence include the following 4 acts:

Physical abuse

This type of physical abuse occurs when a person tries to hurt his or her lover by hitting, kicking, or using other types of physical force.

Sexual violence

The second type, sexual violence is coercion or an attempt to force a partner to take part in a sexual act or sexual touch when the partner does not give consent or consent.

This violence includes non-physical sexual behavior, such as posting or sharing sexual pictures of a partner without their consent or texting someone without their consent.

Illustration of facts and preventive measures for dating violence (iStockphoto)
Psychological aggression

Using verbal and non-verbal communication with the intention of hurting a partner mentally or emotionally is called an act of psychological aggression. Including actions to control a partner also includes violence in courtship.


Stalking is a repeated but unwanted pattern of attention and contact by the victim that causes fear or concern for safety.

The four types of dating violence above have a major impact on health, opportunities, and lifelong well-being. Relationships are unhealthy and can leave scars for life.

Violence can be prevented, here are preventive steps that can be taken to prevent violence from occurring.

Spread knowledge on how to have a healthy relationship

A healthy dating relationship can motivate each individual who is dating to be better. Including giving enthusiasm in learning or achieving their goals in the future. A healthy relationship also supports mental health, both in terms of social relationships and self-respect.

Reported by Psychology Today, the closest people or parents need to teach their children about healthy dating relationships. This knowledge includes how to express disapproval, sexual health, being a model that can be followed, and behaving in a supportive manner so that it becomes a positive support system.

Be assertive

Assertiveness is the ability to clearly state feelings, opinions, and desires. Being assertive or equipping children with assertive abilities is one way to prevent violence in dating. Assertive behavior also practices assertiveness from an early age to prepare for difficult situations in the future.

Discuss the importance of respect in relationships

Cultivating respect needs to be nurtured from a young age. As you enter your teens, make sure you know how to respect others. This topic covers many things, including how to behave, sexuality, what not to do, and being a trusted source of information for those closest to you.

Talk without secrets

An abusive relationship culminates in a secret. When experiencing dating violence or experiencing things that are not right, instead of talking about it, victims often keep it a secret. So explain to those closest to you, if you experience violence, he must talk about it without secrets. Hiding something is not healthy, especially hiding is an unpleasant experience.

If you're experiencing dating violence, avoid handling the situation yourself. Seek support from those closest to you and get out of toxic relationships. Breaking the chain of violence is a way to prevent it from happening again.