Missing Since Sunday At The Pomako River Estuary, Pius Iwitiyu Sea Motorcycle Taxi Is Still On Search By The Timika SAR Team, Papua

PAPUA - The Search and Rescue (SAR) Office of Timika, Papua, on Friday morning again dispatched a joint team to search for Pius Iwitiyu, a marine motorcycle taxi who was reported to have been swept away by the current in the Pomako River Estuary since last Sunday, February 6.

Head of the Timika SAR Office George Mercy L Randang said the joint SAR team had departed for the location of the search for victims in Pomako waters at around 07.00 a.m. local time using two rubber boats with 25 PK and RB 217 Timika engines.

"On the second day of the search, the joint SAR Team will carry out a search by combing the outskirts of the waters of Timika using a rubber boat. The team will also conduct a search into the central waters using a larger fleet, namely the RB 217 Timika," explained Mercy Randang who was contacted in Timika, Antara, Friday, February 11.

Based on a report by the Head of Mware Village, Benyamin Kaukayahe, to the Timika SAR Office last Thursday, it was known that the victim on Sunday used his long boat to take a passenger from PPI Pomako to a fishing boat anchored in the waters of Muara Pomako.

After dropping off the passengers, the victim and the boat he was driving were swept away by the current. This was seen by residents of Kampung Naja, near the Pomako River Estuary.

The victim's family and residents around the Pomako River Estuary have tried to search both on land and by deploying boats along the Pomoko waters, but their efforts so far have not yielded results.