Haven't Received DIM TPKS Bill From Government, DPR Leader: Still There Is A Correction

JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, revealed that to this day the leadership has not received the president's letter and the problem inventory list (DIM) of the Sexual Violence Bill (RUU TPKS) from the government.

According to him, the government actually wanted to send the surpres and the DIM. However, the government said there were still things that needed to be perfected before being submitted to the DPR.

"I received information that it has not been submitted because there are still corrections to be made," said Dasco at the DPR building, Thursday, February 10.

Dasco hopes that the government can immediately send the surpres and DIM in the near future so that the DPR can follow up on it according to the existing mechanism.

"Hopefully in the near future it has been submitted to the DPR and we will follow up according to the mechanism," said Dasco.

Even so, the Gerindra Party politician believes that there is no problem if the government wants to perfect its surpres first. Because, said Dasco, the DPR will also enter a period of recess soon.

"If we just wait from the government when it comes in, we will do it according to the mechanism," Dasco explained.

According to him, there is no deadline set by the DPR for the government to send a presidential decree related to the TPKS Bill.

"Actually, we are calculating the date of the DPR's recess soon, so I think the government if it really needs to perfect it, just perfect it first," he said.

Previously, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkum HAM) argued that the Problem Inventory List (DIM) of the Draft Sexual Violence Law (RUU TPKS) was still being prepared by the government so it had not yet been sent to the DPR.

"The latest information on DIM is still being compiled by the government, so it has not been submitted to the DPR," said Head of Public Relations of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkum HAM), Tubagus Erif, in a WhatsApp message, Wednesday, February 9.

Meanwhile, Deputy V Presidential Chief of Staff (KSP) Jaleswari Pramodhawardani said the DIM of the TPKS Bill was expected to be completed in the first week of February 2022.

"This week is expected to be completed. The government's DIM is finished first," said Jaleswari in a written statement.

He said that the quick move to draft the DIM was in line with President Joko Widodo's request.

"This rapid movement of DIM preparation cannot be separated from President Jokowi's direction, which wants the DIM preparation to be maximized as soon as possible," he said.