Take Note Of Ganjar Pranowo's Promise, Open A Dialogue Room For Wadas Residents Who Reject The Real Dam

SEMARANG - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo is coordinating with the Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security (Menko Polhukkam) Mahfud MD regarding the settlement of the problem with the construction of the Bener Dam in Wadas Village, Purworejo.

Ganjar said, Wednesday (9/2) night the discussion with Mahfud was carried out virtually. Followed by all stakeholders involved, Ganjar hopes that the dialogue space will continue to be opened to provide understanding to residents who still refuse.

“I conveyed the space for dialogue that must be opened by involving many figures, including from the National Human Rights Commission. We convey that to him," said Ganjar at his office, Thursday (10/2).

Ganjar said that in the forum, there were still people who refused for various reasons.

"To those who don't agree, yesterday there was an issue about the quarry, the potential for the environment to be damaged, the geological conditions there, I think it needs space to explain so that the experts will be given space and time to explain it to them. , "explained Ganjar.

Ganjar said that dialogue space is important so that people who are against it and experts can explain and listen to each other.

"So the meeting with the opposing groups in my opinion is important, I also convey to Pak Mahfud and God willing, now it is formulated so that all of this can later be carried out and open up the widest possible dialogue space," he said.

Ganjar explained, the implementation of this project was not carried out in a hurry. Dialogue has been open for a long time to provide understanding to the community. This, said Ganjar, was also done in order to minimize friction as happened before.

"So we don't work later, it's been a while. Even yesterday, someone said that we are still talking, Mr. Governor, 'You don't need to be in a hurry, okay, I'll just follow the important thing later, they can communicate so that they can share their thoughts and feelings with each other,' he said.