Profit Of Four State-Owned Banks Reaches More Than IDR 70 Trillion In 2021, How Much Dividend Do Shareholders Want To Get?

JAKARTA - SOE Minister Erick Thohir should be proud. Four state-owned banks managed to collect a net profit of IDR 73.5 trillion throughout 2021.

The four banks in question are PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk, PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, and PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk.

In detail, BRI earned the most profit of Rp. 32.22 trillion, followed by Bank Mandiri of Rp. 28.02 trillion, BNI of Rp. 10.89 trillion, and BTN of Rp. 2.37 trillion. However, in terms of profit growth, BNI recorded the fastest growth or reached 232.2 percent, then BRI 76 percent, Bank Mandiri 66.83 percent, and BTN 48.3 percent.

The total profit value of the four state-owned banks grew 80.9 percent from profit in 2020 which only reached Rp40.63 trillion.

Throughout 2020, which was the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies had to bear losses or decreased performance. This includes state-owned banks.

Just a reminder, in 2020 BRI's profit fell 45.65 percent from IDR 34.37 trillion in 2019 to IDR 18.65. Likewise with Bank Mandiri, which fell 38 percent from IDR 27.5 trillion in 2019 to IDR 17.1 trillion.

In fact, BNI's profit fell 78.7 percent from IDR 15.28 trillion in 2019 to IDR 3.28 trillion.

Meanwhile, only BTN recorded a profit surge of up to 665.71 percent from IDR 209 billion in 2019 to IDR 1.6 trillion.

Estimated dividend

For state-owned banks, profits will not be eaten alone. As in previous years, three of the four state-owned banks distributed part of their profits as dividends to shareholders.

Here, of course, the government will receive the largest share of dividends. This is in accordance with the percentage of ownership in the shares of the state-owned bank.

At BRI, for example, as of December 31, 2021, the government holds 53.19 percent. Then in Bank Mandiri, the government's shares are 52 percent.

As for BNI and BTN, the government owns 60 percent of the shares.

In 2020, BRI and Bank Mandiri distributed 60 percent of their profits as dividends. Meanwhile, BNI provides 25 percent of profits, and BTN does not distribute dividends because all of its profits are to strengthen capital.

Referring to the 2020 dividend ratio, this year Bank BRI can distribute dividends of around Rp. 19.33 trillion, Bank Mandiri of Rp. 16.81 trillion, and BNI of Rp. 2.72 trillion. The government's share of the estimated dividend is Rp. 10.28 trillion from BRI, Rp 8.74 trillion from Bank Mandiri, and Rp. 1.63 trillion from BNI.

This means that from the three banks alone, the government can reap dividends of Rp. 20.65 trillion.

The people who are the shareholders of these four state-owned banks will also get a share according to their ownership portion.

The certainty of this dividend value will be determined at the general meeting of shareholders (GMS) of each bank. These four new banks will hold a GMS in March. Let's just wait.