118 Shelters For Victims Of The Semeru Eruption In Lumajang Completed

LUMAJANG - A total of 118 temporary housing units for survivors of the Mount Semeru disaster on the relocation area located in Sumbermujur Village, Lumajang Regency, East Java have been completed.

Based on data as of February 8 from the Emergency Transition Command Post to Recovery after the Mount Semeru Eruption, 118 units of shelters have been completed and 53 units are still in progress.

"Some have started the construction process, yesterday when I went there there were already several units, then those belonging to Pramuka Peduli are estimated to be completed by 19 February 2022 and from ACT, it is still in the process", said Deputy Regent of Lumajang, Indah Amperawati, at Graha Nararya Kirana Lumajang was quoted by Antara on Wednesday, February 9.

She said the construction of shelters for residents affected by the hot cloud disaster from Mount Semeru would continue to be accelerated, so that before the month of Ramadan 1443 Hijri, people could occupy the provided housing.

"We are spurring the construction of shelters in Sumbermujur Village so that it can be occupied by the community before Ramadan 1443 Hijri", said the Deputy Regent, who is usually called Bunda Indah.

The Lumajang Regency Government plans to build around 2,000 shelters and after 100 percent completion it will be handed over to families whose houses were destroyed or damaged and are in the red zone of the eruption of Mount Semeru.

"So the shelters were immediately handed over to each KK (Family Card), while we are processing the state land for release so that later it can become a certificate of ownership (SHM) for residents affected by the Semeru disaster", she said.

The shelters and permanent residences to be built are type 60, the shelters will be built at the back of the plot with a building area of 6 x 4 meters, while the permanent residences will be built in the front plot with a size of 6 x 6 meters.

The land that will be used for shelters and permanent residences has an area of 81 hectares with a capacity to accommodate 2,000 houses equipped with public facilities, social facilities, and economic facilities.